Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/6: Why I hate my Health class

I hate my high school in general. I hate the people with perhaps 12 or so notable exceptions. I hate the teachers with extremely few exception of any kind. I hate having religion shoved forcibly down my throat a minimum of three times per day. And don't even get me started on my guidence counselor! But there are few things about my high school that I hate more than being forced to take freshman health as a senior. Let me list the reasons why:

1. Freshman are annoying. Not all freshman but most of them are. And there are about 3 who aren't in my health class. They think they're hot shit, they list Charlie St. Cloud as their favorite movie, even the cool ones don't know what Pokemon is, and they have Justin Beiber as their desktop backgrounds. And they whine about taking notes which makes me worry about some of the teachers they will have in the future.

2. This year's freshman class are the first to get laptops. So there are 30 people in the class and I am the only one using a pen. The rest of them are emailing each other instead of taking notes, or flipping through their archive of Justin Beiber pictures.

3. The teacher. Holy fucking shit I hate her. I have a very low tolerance for teachers that are less intelligent than me but this one brings "If you can't do, teach" to a whole new level. This is going to require a bulleted list.
  • She doesn't understand grammar.
  • She doesn't know how to write tests. She gives us these ridiculous lists of like 10 items of things like "The Affects [sic] of Abuse" and then like 50 percent of the tests are spewing several of these lists back IN THEIR ENTIRETY while the rest of the test is the most absurdly easy multiple choice questions ever written. She also doesn't understand how to format current events. You can't write an entire page single spaced about an article that states that cereal is good for you. I can't write an entire page about my opinions on the fact that people should eat more fiber.
  • She gets facts wrong. All the time. The amount of times I have had to step in and be like, "Actually, we were just talking about this in [Psych, Anatomy, AP Bio] and here's what [Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia, Anabolic Steriods] really is."
  • She spends a ridiculous amount of time praising athletic endeavors and cutting down the importance of artistic expression. As someone who has competed since the age of 11 in the sport with the world's highest death toll and is also pursuing a career in performing arts, I can tell you the importance of both but I also know which one I'm going to pursue for the rest of my life. And it's not sports.
  • She just spent 90 minutes encouraging a group of 14 year old girls to count calories and lose weight. Really. We had to go to this website (except for me because I don't have a laptop) that would tell us how many calories we expend on a daily basis. The lesson culminated in the girl next to me, who is tall and super duper skinny and a hardcore softball player, declaring that because she expends upwards of 3000 calories a day, she is now going to cut down to 1500 calories per day. The teacher just nodded and was like "That's how you lose weight." So it was on me to explain why creating a deficit of over 1500 calories would lead to unhealthy levels of weight loss and also probably make you feel like complete shit because you wouldn't have nearly enough energy for your body to function.
  • She's homophobic. She said that she has never seen Brokeback Mountain because she "doesn't do the gay thing." Then she shuddered. Really.
4. Health is a ridiculous course requirement after taking Psychology, Anatomy, and AP Biology first.

So yes, no class makes me more likely to kill myself or someone near me than Health. Oh sweet irony.

Today is awesome because: Your Pants aren't blocked at school which a.) Allowed me to spend my entire free bell in Your Pants and b.) Allowed me to loudly imply acts of a sexual nautre with my Nerdfighter friend in the hallway by shouting, "Hey Katie! Your Pants aren't blocked at school! In fact, I just spent an entire full block of free in Your Pants! I love how easy it is to get in Your Pants during school! I just love being in Your Pants!"

So that was fun.

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